Well, I appologise to everyone out there that has been awaiting a new blog from us. I guess I got lazy with the blogg posting over the Christmas break, and never got back into it. hopefully I can get back into it and provide all of you with hours of interesting reading over the next year.
So, we are already 1/4 of the way through the winter semester. I have already had a few mid-terms so far. I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but still alright. I am only taking 12 credit hours this semester, but it is getting tough. it's like the farther I get along, the more advanced the materials are that I am learning about! What a novel thought hu. Anyway, I am finding myself studying and applying myself to school harder than ever before, and getting worse grades (B's and C's instead of A's and B's) than I have ever gotten. Thankfully, I haven't dropped below a C yet in anyof my classes, but it's getting difficult.
As far as home life goes, we are doing alright. Kate is having a hard time with me right now, because she doesn't feel like I spend as much time with her as she would like. To tell you the truth, I don't. I would really like to spend more time at home playing with Kate, Lydia, and the pets, but between work, school, and everything else, it's just hard trying to prioritize and fit everything in that needs to be done. I am trying to do better though, and that's what counts right?
Lydia is still not walking consistently. She can walk, we have seen her do it. She just seems to prefer crawling for some reason. Maybe she thinks it is faster to crawl to wherever it is she needs to go than it is to walk. She just needs to get out of her comfort zone and "Do the walk".
We got another new pet as well. His name is Tigger ( T I double Gu errr). He is a 2 1/2 year old pure bred toy fox terrier. We got him from an older couple in Lehi Utah. He is tall compared to Taz, but very thin. We have been feeding him puppy food and other high in fat foods to try and fill him out so that you can't see his ribs anymore. He gave us a bit of a scare the first week that we had him, by not eating or drinking anything for 2-3 days. The vet said that he was healthy, but has a little bit of liver problems. I think the reason he wasn't eating was because he was stressed from transfering families, and becase he ate a bite of a chocolate bar that I had foolinshy left on the couch one night. He seems fine now though, and is very active, especially when we bring out his favorite squeeky toys. I'll post a picture of him in a later blog, as I am typing this one from a school computer, and don't have access to the pictures that we took. I guess I will also write a little bit more about what has happened in the last few months, with pictures (Like Christmas) in later bloggs too.
Anyway, my time for writing is up, and I have to go to my next class. Hope you enjoyed this one. Till next time.