Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My first Blog

So, for the first time, I have decided to follow in the footsteps of our good neighbors the Oehrings and start posting our own personal blog/journal. This being my first post, I am unsure where to really start, and how to make this site the most that it can be. Thus, please be patient with the site as I will continually update it as I learn more.

Current events: I am currently a professional senior (eternal student) at BYU in Provo Utah. My wife and I recently bought the duplex that we have been living in since about May of 2006. Our daughter Lydia just had her first birthday on the 21st of October.


Unknown said...

I like it. I'm always glad to see a new blogger!

Anonymous said...

mysliwiecka bars zocor nationals uncertainty metaphor blanca deconstruct balcony mooted playing
lolikneri havaqatsu